
Called by Name

WE: Risking Temptation

Risking Temptation

Hi Everyone, and thanks for joining us for the Pastor’s Bible Study Podcast. I’m Rev. Jessica Strysko, and this is week 5 of our study in the season of Lent, a time of spiritual preparation for Easter. Our study has been called “Risking Faith,” and this week our theme is “Risking the Loss of Friends.” We’ll look at the stories in the Bible about Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples, and ask how those narratives call us to risk, and friendship, and service as well. Great to be back with you!

Risking the Loss of Friends

Hello, and welcome back to the Pastor’s Bible Study Podcast. I’m Rev. Jessica Strysko, and this is week 4 of our study “Risking Faith.” The focus today is on “Risking Rejection,” with the story of the woman who anoints Jesus in the gospels as our guide. We’ll look at what this woman can teach us about acting with compassion and seeking justice. So glad you’re listening!

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