
Hello, and welcome to the Pastor’s Bible Study Podcast. I’m Rev. Jessica Strysko, and we begin a study today that I’m calling “Risking Faith.” We are now in a season of the church called Lent, the 40 days plus Sundays leading up to Easter. So our Bible Study this season looks at how the Gospels describe the week before Jesus’ crucifixion. This is week 1 of the study, and today we’re talking about Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, and the ways that he risked his reputation by doing so. Thanks for being here!

WE: Risking Reputation

Risking Reputation

Broken Ideas

The last podcast in this series entitled "The Church and Racism"...for now. We look at the issues of segregation and the civil rights movement. We consider the theology around both of these things through a collection of scripture passages, rather than a deep dive into a single passage. It is an overview of the way scripture and theology has been both speaking against and being complicit with racism. Which leads us to ask what do we believe and how does that make us respond? Thanks for joining me.

Broken Dreams

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