
This week we look at 2 Samuel 7, where God corrects King David in his understanding of the relationship between he and God; In Luke 1, in the passage known as Mary's Magnificat, we see Mary has the right relationship with God and she sings of reversals that God initiates to correct relationships between those in power and those who are exploited by that power. And in Paul's final words in his letter to the Romans, we are encouraged that our right relationship with God is something that God cares about enough to strengthen and guide to that right relationship.

Mary and Elizabeth

Joseph's Dream

This week's study looks at John the Baptist: how he is perceived, the lectionary readings that shape how we hear John's story, and the nuances of what it means to prepare the Way of the Lord. The primary text is Mark 1:1-8, but we'll take a peek at John 1: 6-8, 19-28, 3 Peter 3: 14, Isaiah 40:1-11 and Psalm 85:8-13.

The Fullness of Time

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