
Keep up with the latest news at First Church San Diego


Filtered by: Student Ministries

Ash Wednesday Events

01.22.24 | News

Join us on Feb. 14 for Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Through the imposition of ashes, we're reminded of the precious passage of time and the frailty of human beings.

Lunar New Year Celebration

    12.26.23 | News

    Join us for a Lunar New Year celebration, featuring Vietnamese spring rolls, Asian-themed games, and an organ concert inspired by Asian folk music.

    New Communications Director

      11.06.23 | News

      Our new Communications Director, Meghan Claussen, is excited to apply her love of communications to propel First Church’s mission and share God’s love with our community.  Meghan's first day at the office is November 13. Welcome her!

      Looking for signs of a vibrant church

        10.23.23 | Articles | News

        ...It’s the clothes on the railing, the small acts of kindness, the much larger donations of time and love given by our church community, the random questions asked because you care. We show our devotion to Christ’s mission when we love one...
