
What Now? Gather Still

In this episode of Perspectives FUMCSD Pastors Podcast, Rev. Brittany and Rev. Trudy discuss opening up to the Holy Spirit – the role that willingness had in the experience of the early church and the role it has in our life today. It’s part of “Becoming Better Humans” – a multi-episode topic where the women clergy of the First Church of San Diego explore the story of the early church, looking at the days after the resurrection of Jesus, to see how the courage and perseverance of the apostles may help us all live better today. First up is “Opening” – our acknowledgment of the Holy Spirit, the convictions we receive, and our willingness to acknowledge and act on them. The Holy Spirit is mentioned over 180 times throughout the Bible, so there is a lot to discuss. Want to join the discussion? We invite you to our weekly discussion group, Convergence. Taking place on our church campus in the Mission Valley neighborhood of San Diego or through Zoom. Get additional details online: • In Person: https://www.fumcsd.org/convergence • Zoom: https://www.fumcsd.org/convergence-online For this episode, we’ll be discussing the following questions: 1. When was a time that you recognized the presence of the Holy Spirit? 2. What gets in the way of you following the Holy Spirit's nudges? 3. What is the Holy Spirit calling us and you to do with Its power?

What Now? Wonder Still

Join the women clergy of First Church of San Diego as they talk theology, scripture, and life through the Perspectives FUMCSD Pastors Podcast. They’ve been examining where anger comes from, how we can manage it, and how Jesus encountered anger during the last week of his life. In this episode, Rev. Brittany and Rev. Hannah wrap up the series The Anger Within Us by examining the statement Jesus made during his triumphal entry into Jerusalem (commonly celebrated as Palm Sunday within the Christian church). They discuss how this event was a countercultural and social statement juxtaposed against the wealth and opulence displayed through Pontius Pilate’s imperial procession into the city from the west. It brings into question whether Palm Sunday should be a purely religious celebration or if we’re called to make it something more to usher in the Kingdom of God, here and now. And what effect may that have on others? As we head into Holy Week, there will be no Convergence discussion group this coming week. But we invite you to discuss with your friends and family the following questions: 1. When was there a time in your life when you had to make a statement? 2. When did you make a statement about something you really believed in, in the world? 3. What impact did that have on you and whoever you were making the statement about? What’s next for Perspectives? We’ll be kicking off a new topic series – “Becoming” – the week of April 8.

Join the women clergy of First Church of San Diego as they explore anger during the next several episodes of Perspectives FUMCSD Pastors Podcast. They’ll examine where anger comes from, how we can manage it, and how Jesus encountered anger during the last week of his life. In this episode, Rev. Trudy and Rev. Hannah investigate the changes Jesus’ ministry made on the world around him – and how it stirred the anger of others. They’re specifically looking at his last Passover, where Jesus makes several subtle (and not-so-subtle) changes. Changes that could be interpreted as a challenge to the religious institution. Was Jesus intentionally changing the Passover? Did his followers take that change further than he intended? They discuss all this plus what we’re called to do with our faith tradition today and in the future through the contextualization of Christianity. Want to join the discussion? We invite you to our weekly discussion group, Convergence. Taking place on our church campus in the Mission Valley neighborhood of San Diego or through Zoom. Get additional details online: • In Person: https://www.fumcsd.org/convergence • Zoom: https://www.fumcsd.org/convergence-online For this episode, we’ll be discussing the following questions: 1. Where do you stand on the spectrum of willingness to accept change? 2. How do you identify what needs to change – in your personal life and on a broader, institutional scale? 3. How do we evaluate proposed changes – for our personal life, the church, and for the world in general?

Join the women clergy of First Church of San Diego as they explore anger during the next several episodes of Perspectives FUMCSD Pastors Podcast. They’ll examine where anger comes from, how we can manage it, and how Jesus encountered anger during the last week of his life. In this episode, join Rev. Brittany and Rev. Hannah as they examine the disciples’ angry reactions in Mark 14:1-9 as they grapple with the feelings of doom and denial of Jesus’ impending death. As a society, we don’t like to discuss death or endings – we often avoid those important discussions at all costs, lashing out when confronted due to the underlying fear. While we do our best to avoid these topics, Rev. Brittany and Rev. Hannah tackle them head on to provide us with a new look on the ancient text. Want to join the discussion? We invite you to our weekly discussion group, Convergence. Taking place on our church campus in the Mission Valley neighborhood of San Diego or through Zoom. Get additional details online: • In Person: https://www.fumcsd.org/convergence • Zoom: https://www.fumcsd.org/convergence-online For this episode, we’ll be discussing the following questions: 1. What are you avoiding in your life? What are you afraid of? 2. What does following Jesus mean to you? 3. What are you willing to sacrifice for another?

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