Perspectives Podcast Season 1, Episode 32: The World Calls, We Travel – Different Perspectives

Aug 26, 2024

Perspectives Podcast Season 1, Episode 32: The World Calls, We Travel – Different Perspectives

Passage: Acts 13:1-3

Series: Perspectives Pastors Podcast

Category: Pastor's Bible Study, Perspectives Podcast


In this episode of Perspectives Podcast, Rev. Trudy and Rev. Brittany are back, continuing their discussion of how travel changes us, and specifically how the Sankofa Pilgrimage of First Church San Diego has been changing participants’ perspectives on racism throughout US history, including the experiences of many groups throughout the country today. The two clergywomen take a look at the journey that they took along with 24 pilgrims in July 2024 through northeastern states to look at America’s origin story and how our northern states played a role in racism in the United States.


In this episode of Perspectives Podcast, Rev. Trudy and Rev. Brittany are back, continuing their discussion of how travel changes us, and specifically how the Sankofa Pilgrimage of First Church San Diego has been changing participants’ perspectives on racism throughout US history, including the experiences of many groups throughout the country today.

The two clergywomen take a look at the journey that they took along with 24 pilgrims in July 2024 through northeastern states to look at America’s origin story and how our northern states played a role in racism in the United States.

Rev. Trudy and Rev. Brittany detail the sites explored through the first half of this year’s pilgrimage, along with reactions from the pilgrims, captured throughout their travels. Sites discussed in this episode include:

  • Plymouth Rock
  • Plimoth Patuxet Plantation
  • Mayflower
  • Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Museum
  • Burial Hill Cemetery
  • New York City African Burial Ground
  • Seneca Village monument in Central Park
  • Statue of Liberty

Tune in to learn about where they went, why, and how it changed or expanded everyone’s viewpoints. And be sure to come back next week when they discuss the second half of the trip.

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